Rabbit Trails...


- You can wear your responsibilities lightly, don't let the Adultopus win!

- How to be Unreasonable in Business.

- "We cannot consider ourselves empathetic only to turn around and belittle those who don't agree with us." - YES to this article! If I could, I would have highlighted the entire thing!

- Cary Grant's birthday was the 18th - here's my favorite of all of his movies!

- I've just looked into hiring these ladies as our nutrition counselors - not local? No worries, you can do phone and Skype appointments. Really looking forward to taking our health up a notch!

- "We were and are not our kids' best friends. We were their parents." - How I made sure all 12 of my kids could pay for college themselves. - Taking notes from this guy!

- Janis Joplin's Birthday is Today - the 19th! Here's my favorite Janis song - oh and this one too!

- I want to do this one New Year's Eve! Boat cruise + Great Food in Australia, yes please.

- There are veggies in that ink! Looking into plant-based inks for my home office.

- Is it safe to compost paper with ink? Answered here.

- Bushwalking & Hiking Tips - getting ready for warmer weather!

- Do you like hiking and don't want to go alone? Check Meetup for groups in your area - here's one in Charlotte.

- This print by Isamu Noguchi.

- A friend of mine told me the tree you can drive through fell down recently in a storm. BUT there are a lot more - not sure which one recently fell though...

- And there are three Redwoods you can drive through on the Avenue of the Giants for a small fee. Maybe one of these fell?

- Debbie Millman is giving a Visual Storytelling workshop at Type Director's Club in March - UGH - Wish I could go!

- Did you see this week's Color Story?

- Never been to the Start Here page? Now's your chance!